Thursday, 18 February 2016

Motivational quotes of Swami Vivekananda. 51-55

                                     Motivational quotes of Swami Vivekananda.

51. " Let each one of us pray day and night for the downtrodden millions who are held fast by poverty, priestcraft, and tyranny. Pray day and night for them. I care more to preach religion to them than to the high and the rich.”

52 . The only saint is that soul that never weakens, faces everything, and determines to die game.”

53. Bear in mind, my children, that only cowards and those who are weak commit sin and tell lies. The brave are always moral. Try to be moral, try to be brave, try to be sympathizing.

54. If you are pure, if you are strong, you, one man are equal to the whole world.

55. " Truth alone triumphs, not untruth. Through truth alone lies the way to Devayana (the way to the gods).” Those who think that a little sugar – coating of untruth helps the spread of truth are mistaken and will find in the long run that a single drop of poison poisons the whole mass . . . The man who is pure, and who dares, does all things.