Vitamin A: Sources of vitamin A are cheese, milk, eggs, fish, oil, meat, spinach, broccoli
and a lot more fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals
and nourishes the hair scalp into producing healthy sebum for shiny and healthy hair growth.
It prevents flakiness, itching and dryness. Include these foods regularly in your diet and
see the difference in the texture and growth percentage within weeks.
Vitamin E: Sources of vitamin E are wheat germ oil, vegetable oil, nuts, dried beans, green vegetables and soyabeans. Inclusion of vitamin E in your diet improves blood circulation
in the scalp. The scalp does not run dry and contains enough nutrition to keep the scalp well fed.
Vitamin C: Sources of vitamin C include pineapple, citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries, kale and a lot more of fruits and vegetables. A vitamin C diet maintains the overall health of hair, elasticity and texture and has rejuvenating properties.
Vitamin B12: Sources of vitamin B12 include milk products, chicken and fish. Basically this vitamin helps prevent hair loss.
Vitamin B6: Like vitamin B12, vitamin B6 also helps in preventing hair loss and the sources of B6 include cereals, liver, yeast, meat and egg yolk.
Inositol: Sources of inositol include liver, grains and citrus fruits, and this vitamin keeps hair follicles healthy.
Biotin: Most hair health products in the market contain biotin nutrients such as egg yolk,
liver, rice, banana, oatmeal, and whole grains. Biotin helps against premature hair
ageing and hair loss. It makes the hair follicles healthy and nutrient rich.
Vitamin B3: Also called as niacin. Its function is similar to vitamin E as it does not let the
scalp get dry and improves scalp circulation. Its sources include turkey, meat, wheat germ, chicken and fish.
and a lot more fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals
and nourishes the hair scalp into producing healthy sebum for shiny and healthy hair growth.
It prevents flakiness, itching and dryness. Include these foods regularly in your diet and
see the difference in the texture and growth percentage within weeks.
Vitamin E: Sources of vitamin E are wheat germ oil, vegetable oil, nuts, dried beans, green vegetables and soyabeans. Inclusion of vitamin E in your diet improves blood circulation
in the scalp. The scalp does not run dry and contains enough nutrition to keep the scalp well fed.
Vitamin C: Sources of vitamin C include pineapple, citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries, kale and a lot more of fruits and vegetables. A vitamin C diet maintains the overall health of hair, elasticity and texture and has rejuvenating properties.
Vitamin B12: Sources of vitamin B12 include milk products, chicken and fish. Basically this vitamin helps prevent hair loss.
Vitamin B6: Like vitamin B12, vitamin B6 also helps in preventing hair loss and the sources of B6 include cereals, liver, yeast, meat and egg yolk.
Inositol: Sources of inositol include liver, grains and citrus fruits, and this vitamin keeps hair follicles healthy.
Biotin: Most hair health products in the market contain biotin nutrients such as egg yolk,
liver, rice, banana, oatmeal, and whole grains. Biotin helps against premature hair
ageing and hair loss. It makes the hair follicles healthy and nutrient rich.
Vitamin B3: Also called as niacin. Its function is similar to vitamin E as it does not let the
scalp get dry and improves scalp circulation. Its sources include turkey, meat, wheat germ, chicken and fish.